القائمة إغلاق

Affiliate Marketing for an Ebook

التسويق بالعمولة لكتاب رقمي
offer type

Digital book slogan (the seller does not execute the order and the buyer does not wait for the order) The buying and selling process is completely automatic, starting from payment until the buyer receives the product, and it is completed within seconds.

If you have a website or accounts on social networks and forums, you will be able to benefit from that by joining the Digital Book Program for affiliate marketing and achieving better income easily.

The site pays you $10 for every new user who registers through you. Paid plan Which is $30 per year.

You will be able to withdraw the profits you made from the affiliate marketing program on a daily basis or use your profits to purchase digital books.

Registration and purchase on the site is very easy and is done with just a few clicks. There are no complications for users and dealing with the site is completely automatic.

How can I market an eBook?

  • Use your social media accounts.
  • Write a review of an e-book and your experience with it.
  • Conduct advertising campaigns.
  • Or any other appropriate method that does not harm the Digital Book website or cause inconvenience to other users.

How much money can I make?

There is no upper limit at all. If you have a popular website, for example, or you work as a professional e-marketer and can invite dozens, hundreds or even more. An e-book will always pay you $10 for every new user who buys any paid plan. For example, if 100 users buy after registering through you, you will get $1000 without any additional effort.

How can I withdraw profits?

You can withdraw it via (Advcash, Zaincash, Fastpay, Webmoney, Payeer, PerfectMoney, Airtm, PayPal, westernunion)

Affiliate Program Terms

  • Two things must be done in order to earn $25 from the user:
    The first is for the user to register through you, and the second is for him to subscribe to a paid plan.


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