القائمة إغلاق

Affiliate mustache store

افليت متجر شنب
offer type

Once you submit your application, the Shanab team will review your application, manually verify the information provided, and evaluate your social media accounts to ensure they meet the selected criteria. This process may take from two days to a working week.

You will be notified via email when your request is approved or rejected.

Is it free to join?

Yes, you can join for free. Once your account is approved, you will be able to promote.

Is there a minimum payment?

Yes, payments are made to affiliate marketers when their balance exceeds 375 SAR.

The monthly balance of less than $100 will be carried over to the next month and paid with the following month's profits.

When is my commission calculated?

If the user makes a purchase and completes the payment stage, whether the payment method is through a payment card or payment upon delivery is chosen, the commission is calculated directly.

The only difference is that in the case of online payment, the payment is confirmed immediately, but in the case of payment upon receipt, the commission is recorded in your account, but it is subject to the correction process in the event that the sale process that was made was incorrect.

How does the payment process work?

Payment options are subject to availability by amount and geographic region.

In general, these are the most common payment methods: Bank check – Bank transfer

  • افليت متجر شنب

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