القائمة إغلاق

survyes affiliate

الاستبيانات مدفوعة الاجر surveys
2$ USD
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 (Affiliate Marketing) for Surveys in the Arab world

Opportunity to earn with the survey affiliate program

 You can earn between $100 to $200 per month by promoting surveys and questionnaires among your friends, family and network. The more registrations are made through your affiliate link, the more you earn.


How survey affiliate works

Someone clicks on your tracking link.
Visit the survey site.
Your commission is calculated from the user's earnings when filling out survey forms.

 Easy payment tracking and confirmation
Commissions from your affiliate link appear in your account within 72 hours and become available for bank transfer.

Fast payment
You can easily withdraw your earnings to your bank account by submitting a withdrawal request. The funds will be credited to your account within 2 to 5 business days from the date of your request.

Approval is easy, no experience required
It takes time to verify your data on arab.survey.com. Less than a minute. To start promoting your paid survey program in the Gulf countries and Africa

Simply register at arab.survey.com, and join.


Survey affiliate marketing is best for affiliate beginners and offers high commissions and quick payouts.

- You can earn money while helping others discover a reliable way to earn extra income through online surveys.


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