القائمة إغلاق

Affiliate marketing for shipito shipping company

التسويق بالعمولة لشركة الشحن shipito
% 10
offer type
There is no easier way to make money.
Shipito offers the best opportunity for the highest commission in shipping. You earn more as you recruit new customers who want to charge more.
Get 10% commission on shipping once the customer sends the first shipment (this does not include magazines and letters). Get additional bonuses on the 5th, 10th, and 20th shipments.

I make over $2000 a month promoting Shipito services in the Deal Forums, chatting, and communicating with my followers, friends and family.


منتسب و متابع اخر يكسب أكثر من 1000 دولار من خلال تطبيق iPhoneي قناة على YouTube حول الأدوات التقنية الجديدة"
Many vloggers and fashion influencers use their channels to help their viewers how to get great deals when shopping at US websites. Then they show shippers how to ship with Shipito, earning extra bonuses on commissions and more money when their affiliates ship their 5th, 10th, and 20th shipments.

  • التسويق بالعمولة لشركة الشحن shipito

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