القائمة إغلاق

cirati store

برنامج مندوب للربح cirati store
7 %
offer type

Certi store is one of the largest websites in Algeria It is characterized by a large number of seasonal products and discounts that it offers throughout the year.
Due to the rapid development of e-commerce, a way to share work and profits with all segments of society was thought through a system mandob For affiliate marketing.

فكرة mandob It is based on the principle of commission marketing on the basis of profit sharing by subscribing to this program. Your role is to market and advertise products, and for each successful sale you will be rewarded with an amount that is a percentage of the product selling price.
يمنحك برنامج mandob An income that you determine according to your effort, in addition to your experience in the field of marketing and e-commerce.

You will be taken to the registration page as shown in the image below:

Fill in your data correctly, then click on the Register button, then you will wait for your account to be confirmed as shown in the image

Third Step: Login to the account

After the account is confirmed by the site administrators by calling you at the number listed in your information, you will be able to login to the account and start working directly.

You can access the login page through this link below:


Explanation of the control panel

The first page shows a menu Products With the ability to search by word or by choosing a category

Orders section All orders appear in 3 different states

  1. - قيد المعالجة وهو الطلب الذي تم تقديمه من خلال الرابط الخاص بك لكن لم يتم تأكيده بعد
  2. - مرفوض وهو الطلب الذي لم يتم قبوله لأي سبب كان مثل رقم الزبون خاطئ، ألغى الطلبية..
  3. - قيد التسليم وهو الطلب الذي تم تأكيد كل معلومات الزبون وتم إرساله له بعد تجهيزه.
  4. - تم التسليم ويقصد به الطلب الذي تم تسليمه للزبون وفي هاته الحالة تحصل على العمولة حسب المنتج المباع
  5. - معاد وهو الطلب الذي لم يتم تسليمه للزبون وأي حالة تسليم فاشلة

Payments It means the money that has been handed over to you

MY ACCOUNT It shows your information and you can see your balance that has not yet been paid to you.

How to promote products

In each product, you will find the commission percentage below the price, which is a percentage of the product price, and most importantly, the advantage of copying the link for the product to be promoted.
After copying the link, you will publish it on the sites or platforms that you use to promote it, such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or even your own site to advertise the product. Of course, if a customer likes the product, he will buy through your link, and in the event of a confirmed sale, you will directly receive the commission your own.
The more you promote, the more orders you get, so you get more commission

 receive payments

  • - بعد أسبوع من تسليم المنتج وتأكيد ذلك من قبل الزبون تلاحظ العمولة في حسابك (لأن للزبون الحق في تغبير الطلب أحيانا).
  • - الرصيد يجب أن يساوي أو يتجاوز 3500 دج.
  • - الدفع يكون شهريا.
  • - في حالة تجاوز الأرباح 15000 دج يمكن للمندوب طلب تسلم الأموال قبل الموعد.

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